Speed 2: Cruise Control

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125 min - (13 June 1997)

A disgruntled former employee hijacks the Seabourn Legend cruise liner. Set on a fixed course, without any means of communication and at the mercy of the hijacker, it's up to the one cop on vacation, and his soon to be fiancé (hopefully) Annie, to regain control of it before it kills the passengers and causes an environmental disaster. Insurmountable and daunting tasks awaits them on their perilous journey throughout the ship trying to fend off the hijacker and save the passengers.

Director:  Jan de Bont

About Speed 2: Cruise Control Movie

Country:   United States of America
Runtime:  2 h 05 min
Language:  English, Portuguese
Release Date:  13 June 1997
Production Companies:  Blue Tulip Productions, 20th Century Fox

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