Sasquatch Sunset

Poster for the movie "Sasquatch Sunset"

Watch Sasquatch Sunset Online

88 min - (12 April 2024)

In the misty forests of North America, a family of Sasquatches—possibly the last of their enigmatic kind—embark on an absurdist, epic, hilarious, and ultimately poignant journey over the course of one year. These shaggy and noble giants fight for survival as they find themselves on a collision course with the ever-changing world around them.

Writers:  David Zellner

About Sasquatch Sunset Movie

Country:   United States of America
Runtime:  1 h 28 min
Language:  No Language
Release Date:  12 April 2024
Production Companies:  Square Peg, Felix Culpa, The Space Program, ZBI

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