
Poster for the movie "RocknRolla"

Watch RocknRolla Online

114 min - (4 September 2008)

When a Russian mobster sets up a real estate scam that generates millions of pounds, various members of London's criminal underworld pursue their share of the fortune. Various shady characters, including Mr One-Two, Stella the accountant, and Johnny Quid, a druggie rock-star, try to claim their slice.

Director:  Guy Ritchie
Writers:  Guy Ritchie

About RocknRolla Movie

Country:   France,   United Kingdom,   United States of America
Runtime:  1 h 54 min
Language:  English, Russian
Release Date:  4 September 2008
Production Companies:  StudioCanal, Dark Castle Entertainment, Toff Guy Films, Warner Bros. Pictures

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