Pan’s Labyrinth

Poster for the movie "Pan's Labyrinth"

Watch Pan's Labyrinth Online

118 min - (10 October 2006)

Living with her tyrannical stepfather in a new home with her pregnant mother, 10-year-old Ofelia feels alone until she explores a decaying labyrinth guarded by a mysterious faun who claims to know her destiny. If she wishes to return to her real father, Ofelia must complete three terrifying tasks.

Director:  Guillermo del Toro

About Pan's Labyrinth Movie

Country:   Mexico,   Spain,   United States of America
Runtime:  1 h 58 min
Language:  Spanish
Release Date:  10 October 2006
Production Companies:  Estudios Picasso, Esperanto Filmoj, Tequila Gang, Telecinco Cinema

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