Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

Poster for the movie "Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny"

Watch Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny Online

155 min - (28 June 2023)

Finding himself in a new era, and approaching retirement, Indy wrestles with fitting into a world that seems to have outgrown him. But as the tentacles of an all-too-familiar evil return in the form of an old rival, Indy must don his hat and pick up his whip once more to make sure an ancient and powerful artifact doesn't fall into the wrong hands.

Director:  James Mangold
Writers:  James Mangold, David Koepp, Jez Butterworth, John-Henry Butterworth

About Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny Movie

Country:   United States of America
Runtime:  2 h 35 min
Language:  English
Release Date:  28 June 2023
Production Companies:  Lucasfilm Ltd.

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