Christmas with the Kranks

Poster for the movie "Christmas with the Kranks"

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99 min - (24 November 2004)

When their only daughter Blair leaves the family nest, Luther and Nora Krank decide to book an island cruise to beat the yuletide blues and just skip the holidays. But their decision to boycott tradition has the whole neighborhood in an uproar, and when Blair calls on Christmas Eve to announce a surprise visit with her new fiancée, the Kranks have just twelve hours to perform a miracle and pull themselves and their neighbors together to throw the best celebration ever!

Director:  Joe Roth

About Christmas with the Kranks Movie

Country:   United States of America
Runtime:  1 h 39 min
Language:  Spanish, English
Release Date:  24 November 2004
Production Companies:  Revolution Studios, 1492 Pictures

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